ノルウェイの森Norwegian Wood

直子の魅惑的エピソードベスト3〜ノルウェイの森より〜Naoko’s captivating episode best3by Norwegian Wood

まっすぐで不器用で純粋な直子 Straight, clumsy and pure Naoko


Naoko is the love interest of the main character, Watanabe.At first, I thought Naoko was a weak and troublesome girl.The reason is that when Watanabe says, “I will always protect you,” She begins to get angry, saying, “That’s impossible.”Also, when he said, “Why don’t you relax your shoulders?”, she said, “If I do that, I’ll be blown apart.” In the end, she asks Watanabe, whom she doesn’t love, “Don’t forget about me.” But when I thought about it again, Naoko took Watanabe’s words with all her might and was just expressing her feelings honestly.Naoko is such a clumsy and innocent girl, but she is also a girl who naturally charms her opponent.This time, I would like to introduce Naoko’s fascinating episode.

エピソード1 両手をワタナベ君の肩にあてて、正面から長い間じっと目をのぞき込み、背伸びしてそっと頰に自分の頰をつけて「ありがとう」Ep1 Put both hands on Watanabe’s shoulders, peered into his eyes from the front for a long time, stretch up and gently touch her cheeks and say “thank you”

直子の瞳の奥の方では、真っ黒な重い液体が不思議な図形の渦を描いていた。Deep within her own pupils a heavy, black liquid swirled in a strange whirlpool pattern.


This is Naoko’s behavior when Naoko and Watanabe are walking while talking about the well. Naoko: “When I’m really close to you like this, I’m not the least bit scared.” Watanabe: “All you have to do is stay with me like this all the time.” “Do you mean that?” “Of course.”After that conversation, Naoko stopped, put her hands on Watanabe’s shoulders, and stared straight into his eyes.That’s a long time. First of all, how excited Watanabe must have been at that point. It’s quite difficult to make eye contact with people for a long time, and I usually get embarrassed on the way.On top of that, Naoko put her hands on his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes.If you do this, the other person will almost already fall in love.But what makes Naoko so amazing is her subsequent actions.After maxing out the tension, she stretches and gently puts her cheek on Watanabe’s cheek and says “thank you.”Of course, Watanabe’s heart is so gripped that Naoko’s actions make his heart choked for a moment.

エピソード2 上品で華奢なのに15キロ走れるし、美しさや幸せより公正であることが重要。She can run 15 kilometers despite being elegant and delicate, and fairness is more important than beauty and happiness.


One of Naoko’s attractions is her gap.She is an elegant and delicate young lady, but she is also a long-distance runner who can run 15 kilometers and climbs mountains on weekends.Naoko’s toughness is well reflected in the episode where she suddenly says, “Let’s get off,” even though she just met on the train for the first time in a long time, and continues walking silently until the sun goes down without saying anything. Also, Naoko sent a letter to Watanabe saying: Normal young girls tend to focus on things like what is beautiful and how to make themselves happy, rather than whether something is fair or not. But now I feel like the word ‘fair’ really fits.So,I don’t think I was fair to you.” When she writes letters, she expresses her thoughts objectively by comparing them to the average young girl.In other words, Naoko is a girl with high metacognitive abilities.Naoko may actually be very strong.This is because Naoko is worried about whether she could be fair to Watanabe without blaming anyone for her deep emotional wounds, and is single-mindedly trying to resolve it herself.She has a fragility that makes you want to protect her, but the gap between toughness and rationality is irresistible.

エピソード3月明かりの中の直子のストリップは、蝶の妖精のように美しい。Naoko’s strip in the moonlight is beautiful like a butterfly fairy.


It happened the night Watanabe stayed at Abi Dormitory where Naoko was recuperating. In the daytime, who hadn’t seen her in a long time, looked very embarrassed.That night, when Watanabe suddenly woke up, Naoko, wearing a blue gown with a butterfly barrette, was suddenly sitting at the foot of his bed, staring out the window.The room was faintly glowing with moonlight. After a while, Naoko looks into Watanabe’s eyes.When he reaches out and touches her, she pulls back, slowly unbuttons her gown, slides it down her waist like an insect shedding skin, and throws it off. got naked.All she wore was a butterfly-shaped hair pin.Naoko took off her gown and kneeled on the floor, staring at Watanabe.Watanabe expresses Naoko’s state at that time as being born in the moonlight with a perfect body.After that, Naoko puts on her gown again as if nothing had happened, stands up, and quietly disappears behind the bedroom door.Naoko at this time must have been Naoko from another dimension, living in the world of the gods, who had temporarily descended beyond time and space. It’s so mysterious and frighteningly beautiful that it makes you think so. It is an unforgettable scene.


These are my top three captivating episodes of Naoko.Naoko, who doesn’t say much and expresses her feelings through her eyes and actions, is mysterious and very attractive.Naoko described herself as being distorted by the shadow of death, but Naoko’s pure and straight beauty may not have suited the distorted world.


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